
Inertial devices such as north seekers, gyroscopes, IMUs, and accelerometers significantly enhance mining operations by providing precise navigation, positioning, and control. North seekers ensure accurate directional drilling and underground mapping by determining true north. Gyroscopes stabilize and control mining equipment and are essential in surveying instruments for maintaining orientation. Accelerometers monitor vibrations, track movements, and aid in seismic surveys. Together, these devices form the core of Inertial Navigation Systems (INS), which offer precise localization in GPS-denied environments, enable autonomous operations, and integrate comprehensive data for efficient and safe mining activities.

North Seeking Mems Imu

OEM MEMS North Seeker

ER-MNS-05 (0.25°-1°):
1. Size: 70*65*45(with shell)/43.2*43.2*35.5 (without shell and baseboard);
2. OEM modular design, strong applicability;
3. Triaxial MEMS gyro and accelerometer.

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MEMS North Seeker for Mining

1. Special-shaped design: adopts a cylindrical design (120mm x Φ30mm);
2. High precision pointing: with a north-seeking accuracy up to 0.25°secψ(1σ);
3. Low power consumption, MAX endurance.

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North Seeking Mems Imu.jpg

North-Seeking MEMS IMU

1. Size:70*65*45(with shell)/43.2*43.2*35.5 (without shell and baseboard);
2. OEM, modular design, strong applicability;
3. Can find north independently.

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