
Xu Mingxing: In The Era Of Industry 4.0, Intelligence Will Greatly Liberate Human Labor

For the era of Industry 4.0, Ma Yun believes that in the future world, all the manufacturers they produce machines that not only produce products, they must speak, they must think. The machine is no longer driven by oil and electricity, and the machine is supported by data. In the future world, companies will no longer focus on scale, standardization and power, but will focus on flexibility, agility, personalization and user friendliness.

"Made in Germany" has always been synonymous with high quality and high technology. About 70% of German manufacturing products are used for export to all parts of the world. It is precisely because of this that in the economic crisis of recent years, the German economy In order to maintain strong stability, it is in stark contrast with the United States and other European countries.

However, Germany is not satisfied with this. In order to compete with the United States in the industrial 3.0 era, Germany is eager to lead a new round of industrial revolution and become the maker of the rules of the game. At the Hannover Messe in April 2013, the German government formally proposed the “Industry 4.0” strategy, which is a national strategy for Germany to use high technology to drive industrial production.

German manufacturing is one of the most competitive manufacturing industries in the world and has a leading position in the global manufacturing equipment sector. Much of this stems from Germany's focus on the research and development of innovative industrial technology products and the management of complex industrial processes.

Germany has a strong equipment and workshop manufacturing industry, has a high level of competence in the world of information technology, and has a very professional technology in embedded systems and automation engineering. These factors together have established Germany's leading position in the manufacturing engineering industry. .

Through the implementation of the Industry 4.0 strategy, Germany will become a supplier and leading market for a new generation of industrial production technology (ie, information physics systems), which will enable Germany to once again enhance its global competitiveness while continuing to maintain the development of domestic manufacturing. In society, Germany's perfect democratic legal system and intellectual property protection are the solid backing for the healthy development of German manufacturing industry, and it is a real weapon to reduce social production costs and improve efficiency.

In essence, the "Industry 4.0" project is divided into three main themes:

The first is “smart factory”, focusing on the intelligent production system and process, and the realization of networked distributed production facilities;

The second is “intelligent production”, which mainly involves production logistics management, human-computer interaction and application of 3D technology in industrial production. The program will pay special attention to attracting SMEs to participate, and strive to make SMEs users and beneficiaries of the next generation of intelligent production technology, and also become the creators and suppliers of advanced industrial production technology;

The third is “smart logistics”, which mainly integrates logistics resources through the Internet, Internet of Things, and logistics network, and gives full play to the efficiency of existing logistics resource suppliers. On the demand side, it can quickly obtain service matching and obtain logistics support.

But at the same time, Industry 4.0 faces many challenges: for example, there is currently not enough skill to accelerate the progress of the fourth industrial revolution; for example, the IT department of the enterprise has redundant threats, and the stakeholders are generally reluctant to change;

Xu Xing believes that: Industry 4.0 is essentially a new technology put into production, production methods are more intelligent, and production efficiency is further greatly improved.

Xu Xing said that from a macro perspective, if China seizes the opportunity of Industry 4.0, economic development will usher in a new wave of growth as a whole. This is an opportunity for us to move forward as the world’s second largest economy. The beginning of industry 1.0, mechanization, electrification, and informationization, in fact, step by step in the liberation of manual labor, and intelligentization will greatly liberate human labor, that is, we often say that the machine replaces people.

If Industry 4.0 will have an impact on an individual's work and life, Xu Mingxing said: If it is a basic worker, it may face competition from machinery and equipment, and there is a risk of being eliminated by the basic manufacturing industry. If it is other industries, Especially in the financial, technology or venture capital industries, it is recommended to pay more attention to the development of new technologies such as big data, AI, blockchain, and Internet of Things. These technology developers and application researchers have a great chance to become scarce in the next 10 years. Talents are moving towards a fast-growing career channel.

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