
What 'good' Will Be Staged In China's Space Industry In 2021?

According to the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC), assembly and testing of the modules, spacecraft and carrier rockets used in the country's space station project are under way as planned.Among them, the core module mission of the Long March 5B Yaon-2 rocket launching space station is scheduled to be carried out at China's Wenchang Space Launch Site this spring.

At present, China's manned space program has fully shifted to the preparatory stage of the space station construction mission.Between 2021 and 2022, China's manned space program is expected to launch 11 missions, including a space station core module, an experimental module, a manned spacecraft and a cargo spacecraft.The Fifth Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation is responsible for the research and development of each module of the space station.At present, the space station project has successfully completed all the test links stipulated in the general outline in accordance with the development plan.

In terms of spacecraft systems, the Shenzhou XII spacecraft has completed the final assembly of the recovery and landing subsystem.The R&D team of the Fifth Academy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) is working with the highest development standards for manned spaceflight and will ensure the safe return of astronauts from China's space station.

The First Academy of Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation is responsible for the research and development of Long March 2F, Long March 7 and Long March 5B carrier rockets.According to the plan, the Long March 2F, Long March 7 and Long March 5B three carrier rockets will be responsible for launching manned spacecraft, cargo spacecraft and the core module of the space station, respectively.At present, the final assembly and test of the Type III rocket is being carried out in Beijing and Tianjin in an orderly manner.

The Long March 2F Yaoxing 13 carrier rocket is being tested at the assembly plant, which is scheduled to be completed after the Spring Festival.The final assembly of the Long March 7 Yao-3 carrier rocket is underway and all the work is progressing smoothly.The Long March 5B Yao 2 carrier rocket has just completed its test at the final assembly test facility in Tianjin, and the model team is working methodically to prepare the rocket before it leaves the factory to ensure it is shipped to the launch site as planned.

As of 6 am on January 3, China's first Mars exploration mission Tianwen-1 has been in orbit for 163 days, with a flying distance of more than 400 million kilometers, nearly 130 million kilometers from Earth and 8.3 million kilometers from Mars.When it reached the vicinity of Mars, it was about 190 million kilometers from Earth.The total air mileage will reach 470 million kilometers.

Tien Wen 1, weighing about 5 tons in total, consists of an orbiter and a landing rover, which mainly includes an entry module and a rover.At present, the orbiter has completed its third in-orbit self-inspection, and all systems are working normally.The Tien Wen 1 probe is scheduled to apply a near-fire brake, commonly known as a "brake" deceleration, after approaching Mars around February 10. It will be captured by Mars and enter a fiery orbit to prepare for landing on Mars.

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