
The Long March 5 B Rocket Plans To Fly In 2020

According to the China Manned Space Engineering Office on the 17th, the development and construction of the China Space Station is progressing steadily. The entire project is actively preparing for high-density missions. It is planned to implement the Long March 5B launch vehicle launch site and the first flight mission in 2020. The Chinese people’s own space station was built around 2022.

The reporter learned that the Long March 5B carrier rocket is the new generation of launch vehicle with the largest capacity in China's low Earth orbit and will undertake the mission of the space station. The rocket uses a non-toxic and non-polluting propellant with a capacity of more than 22 tons in low earth orbit. The Long March 5B carrier rocket has completed the development of the initial stage, and is currently undergoing flight product production and YF-77 engine reliability growth test.

According to reports, the basic configuration of the China Space Station includes the day and core cabins, the experimental cabin I (Qiantian) and the experimental cabin II (Dream), each of which has a scale of 20 tons. The space application system has basically completed the development of the space station load project plan, and the application fields such as aerospace medicine and aerospace technology are being developed as planned.

Earlier, Zhou Jianping, chief designer of China's manned spaceflight project, said in an interview that according to the mission planning, the China Space Station project is divided into three phases: key technology verification, construction and operation. Among them, the key technology verification stage arranged the first flight of the Long March 5B carrier rocket, the Tianhe No. 1 test core capsule, the Shenzhou spacecraft, and the Tianzhou spacecraft. The construction phase arranged the space capsule, the dream sky cabin, and the Shenzhou spacecraft. 6 missions such as the Tianzhou spacecraft. During the operation of the space station, passenger transportation will be provided by the Shenzhou manned spacecraft, and the Tianzhou cargo spacecraft will provide replenishment support.

On June 12 this year, the China Manned Space Engineering Office and the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs jointly released the results of the first batch of China Space Station Space Application International Cooperation Projects in Vienna. 9 projects from 17 countries on 5 continents were successfully selected. It marks an important step for China's manned spaceflight project to develop from independent development to global cooperation. At present, the entire project is working hard to step up preparations for space station missions.

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