
The 49th Beidou Navigation Satellite Launch

At 01:43 on November 5, China successfully launched the 49th Beidou navigation satellite with the Long March 3B carrier rocket at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center, marking the completion of the launch of all three inclined geosynchronous orbit satellites of the Beidou No.3 system.

At 01:43 on November 5, China successfully launched the 49th Beidou navigation satellite with the Long March 3B carrier rocket at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center, marking the completion of the launch of all three inclined geosynchronous orbit satellites of the Beidou No.3 system.

On November 5, 2017, the first and second satellites of Beidou No.3 successfully launched into the air and successfully entered the track, opening a new era of Beidou system global networking. In the past two years, the 7 major systems of the project, more than 300 participating research units, and tens of thousands of scientific research personnel have joined hands and shouldered shoulders. They successfully completed 16 satellite launch missions and successfully completed 24 Beidou 3 network satellites and 2 A Beidou-2 backup satellite is sent to the scheduled orbit. At present, the construction of the Beidou No. 3 system has entered the final stage of the final battle, and six Beidou No. 3 network satellites will be launched in the future to fully build the Beidou global system.

The Beidou navigation satellite and supporting carrier rocket launched this time were jointly developed by the China Academy of Space Technology and the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology affiliated to China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation. This is the 317th flight of the Long March series of launch vehicles.

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