
The 29th National Maritime Simulator Teaching Research Conference Was Held In Shandong Jiaotong University

From October 11th to 12th, the 29th National Maritime Simulator Teaching Research Conference was held in Weihai Campus of our school. There are 87 units from 28 maritime institutions, maritime institutions, training institutions and research institutes. Representatives attend the meeting. Jiang Huaping, vice president of the school, Peng Guan, deputy inspector of Shandong Maritime Affairs Bureau, and Yin Lei, deputy director of Weihai Maritime Affairs Bureau attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches. Yin Yong, president of the Navigation Simulator Teaching Research Association, Dalian Maritime University professor, Hu Shiping, secretary general of the Navigation Simulator Teaching Research Association and professor of Shanghai Maritime University attended the meeting.

With the theme of “Intelligent Age Navigation Simulator Development”, the conference exchanged more than 20 papers, covering the latest developments in various types of navigation and marine simulator teaching training, inland river crew simulator training, and simulator development. And future trends and so on. Participants conducted extensive and in-depth academic discussions in the fields of intelligent era navigation, turbine simulator development, teaching and training, and automatic evaluation.

During the meeting, delegates visited the Shandong Communications College's navigation simulator, turbine simulator, liquid cargo operation simulator and other test equipment, and observed the on-site teaching of the “ship cycle performance test” in the IMO demonstration course. The latest product and development trends presented by the simulator development unit. The participants agreed that under the new normal situation of shipping economic development and application of intelligent technology, the navigation simulator development and training work environment faces many new changes. The navigation simulator training unit needs innovative simulator teaching training mode and vigorously develops virtual reality technology. The application of information technology and network technology in the education and teaching of navigation simulators promotes the development of intelligent ships and contributes to the strategy of “powerful country” and “One Belt, One Road” strategy.

The annual meeting was hosted by the National Navigation Simulator Teaching Research Association and hosted by the School of Navigation of Shandong Jiaotong University. It reflects the comprehensive strength of our school's maritime education and enhances the communication between our school and other maritime higher education institutions and training institutions. Cooperation.

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