
'Snow Eagle 301' Helicopter Will Perform The 36th Antarctic Expedition In China

The reporter learned from the China Polar Research Center of the Ministry of Natural Resources on the 29th that the "Snow Dragon 2" polar scientific research icebreaker "Snow Eagle 301" (AW169) helicopter officially entered the 36th Antarctic mission in China. It is understood that the helicopter delivery ceremony was held recently at the Nantou Heliport in Shenzhen. Officially handed over to Haitong Airlines for hosting operations. The "Snow Eagle 301" (AW169) helicopter meets the latest and most stringent civil aviation airworthiness safety standards, and is equipped with original technology such as fully integrated digital touch screen glass cockpit, self-changing rotor system and left engine APU mode. The "Snow Eagle 301" (AW169) helicopter is powerful and wind-resistant. It is designed for the ship's mission. It is designed with a rotor folding system and a strong wind mooring system. It is equipped with a main landing gear to prevent the sled and the necessary buoy for the sea flight. With life rafts, 1.6-meter sliding doors and a 6.3-cubic-meter cabin space for up to 10 passengers, it can meet the tasks of air commuting, cargo lifting, iceberg identification and air rescue in polar scientific research. The design and production of the "Snow Eagle 301" (AW169) helicopter is one of the world's largest manufacturers of rotorcraft. Leonardo helicopters are known for their advancement and safety. At present, China's polar expedition has owned the "Snow Eagle 12" helicopter and the "Snow Eagle 601" fixed-wing aircraft. The addition of the "Snow Eagle 301" (AW169) helicopter will greatly enhance the stability and safety of the environment in the polar region. Logistics support and transport capacity for polar surveys. The perfect combination of "Snow Eagle 301" (AW169) helicopter and "Snow Dragon 2" polar scientific research icebreaker enriches the polar scientific research method, will strengthen the polar scientific research team, make China's polar investigation more three-dimensional, polar coverage network Personalization. It is understood that in October this year, more than 400 scientific expedition members rushed to the South Pole to carry out the 36th Antarctic expedition in China on the maiden voyage "Snow Dragon 2" and the "Snow Dragon" that had just completed the overhaul. This is the largest Antarctic study in China in the past 30 years.

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