
Return Of The Long March V Rocket

The Long March 5 Yaosan carrier rocket arrived at the Wenchang launch site in Hainan in October, and was transferred to the launch platform on December 21st.

China Aerospace Science and Technology Group first explained the bumpy experience of Fat Five with a very cute set of cartoons, and revealed the practical XX satellite it carried this time, as well as the new Dongfanghong-5 satellite platform.

The Long March 5 is China ’s largest active launch vehicle with the highest take-off mass, the thickest core diameter, and the strongest carrying capacity. It is nicknamed “Fat Five” and is China ’s first large-scale liquid carrier rocket that uses the latest technology from the whole to the sub-system. The new technology ratio is 95%, the maximum payload of low earth orbit is 25 tons, and the maximum payload of synchronous transfer orbit is 14 tons.

The Long March 5 project was formally established in October 2006. On November 3, 2016, Long March 5 flew for the first time, but failed to fully succeed. The ignition launch was postponed several times. Finally, the practical No. 17 satellite was sent into the predetermined orbit with the help of the upper relay.

On July 2, 2017, the Long March 5 remote second launch mission failed. One of the core-level liquid hydrogen and oxygen engines was abnormal, and the practical 18 satellite failed to enter orbit.

After more than two years of hard work, the Long March No. 5 rocket has been ready for launch, and its future space station, moon, Mars, and deep space exploration missions will all be inseparable from it.

As for why they are called Yaoyi, Yaoyi and Yaoyi, they are actually arranged in the order in which they were received.

The 20th satellite launched this time is a new technology test and verification satellite, carrying high-throughput communication payloads, covering Q / V band loads, broadband flexible transponders, etc., among which the Q / V band will be developed in the future with 1Tbps and above The main frequency band used by ultra-large capacity communication satellites.

Compared with the previous high-throughput satellite Shishi 13 (Zhongxing 16), the Q / V frequency bandwidth of Shishi 20 satellite has increased by nearly 3GHz to 5GHz, which can provide users with more frequency resources.

Practice 12 is a geosynchronous orbit satellite that will be positioned approximately 36,000 kilometers above the Earth's equator and synchronized with the Earth's rotation.

In practice, the No. 20 satellite was developed using the Dongfanghong No. 5 satellite platform. The load carrying capacity was more than 2.5 times that of the Dongfanghong No. 4 platform. The take-off weight increased from 5 tons to more than 8 tons, which is equivalent to about 5 cars.

The new platform has the largest solar wing with the most complicated deployment method in China. The wing deployment of the 20th satellite is more than 40 meters, more than 10 meters wider than the Boeing 737.

Dongfanghong No.5 platform is a new generation of geosynchronous orbit large-scale satellite public platform in China. It has the characteristics of high load bearing, high power, high heat dissipation, long life, expandability, and multi-adaptation. It can meet the communication, microwave remote sensing, and Optical remote sensing and other loads require satellite platforms.

In other words, it is the "mother" of "bringing" various types of satellites in the coming years.

The so-called "satellite platform" can be roughly understood as the chassis of a car, so as to provide the most basic functions to satellite users, and then add various specialized function modules according to the mission needs, and only need to make a small number of adaptive modifications based on the use of no payload. can.

For most satellites, no matter what payload is installed on the platform, its basic functions are the same, but the specific technical performance will be different.

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