
My Country Successfully Launches Asia-Pacific 6D Satellite

At 20:11 on July 9, my country used the Long March 3B carrier rocket at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center to successfully send the Asia-Pacific 6D satellite into a predetermined orbit. The launch was a complete success.

At 20:11 on July 9, my country used the Long March 3B carrier rocket at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center to successfully send the Asia-Pacific 6D satellite into a predetermined orbit. The launch was a complete success.

The Asia-Pacific 6D satellite is a commercial communications satellite purchased by Asia-Pacific Satellite Broadband Communication (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. It is developed by the Communications Satellite Division of the China Academy of Space Technology under the China Aerospace Science and Technology Group Co., Ltd. It provides high-quality, efficient and economical satellite broadband communication services for mobile communication applications such as carrier and vehicle.

This mission is the 339th flight of the Long March series of launch vehicles.

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