
Long March 5B Yaoyi Carrier Rocket Safely Arrives At Wenchang Space Launch Site

According to the China Manned Space Engineering Office, the Long March 5B Yaoyi carrier rocket newly developed for the manned space station project was completed in accordance with the procedures before the factory's development. It was safely delivered to the Wenchang space launch site on February 5, 2020. In the future, they will participate in the launch site training together with the initial samples of the space station core cabin that arrived earlier, and then perform the first flight mission.

The Long March 5B carrier rocket is mainly used for launching large spacecrafts in low-Earth orbits such as space station bays. It is a new type of rocket that is improved based on the Long March 5 carrier rocket. A large fairing is newly developed according to the mission requirements of the space station. The whole arrow has undergone an adaptive transformation. The total length of the rocket is about 53.7 meters, the core is 5 meters in diameter, and four boosters with a diameter of 3.35 meters are bundled. The fairing is 20.5 meters long and 5.2 meters in diameter. It uses non-toxic and pollution-free liquid oxygen and liquid. As a propellant, hydrogen and kerosene have a take-off mass of about 849 tons and a low-earth orbit carrying capacity of not less than 22 tons.

According to reports, after the launch site training is completed, the Long March 5B Yaoyi carrier rocket will carry a new generation of manned spacecraft test vessels, and will perform its first flight mission in mid-late April. Facing the special situation in which the overall battle for the prevention and control of pneumonia epidemic of new-type coronavirus infection has started in an all-round way, the project resolutely implements the unified deployment of the Party Central Committee, and wins the battle based on complex and severe situations, as a “sharpening knife” to hone the level of scientific research and experimentation and system governance. Stone ”, in close collaboration with relevant national ministries and local governments, incorporating epidemic prevention and control into the overall arrangement of joint training tasks, scientific decision-making, scientific organization, and scientific management, one by one screening, strict field control, and improvement of risk plans to ensure joint training tasks The first flight mission and the first flight mission were smoothly organized and implemented in accordance with the planned schedule to ensure that the first flight mission of the space station stage was successful and the company was successfully defeated.

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