
China Successfully Launched Two Beidou Navigation Satellites

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Beidou satellite navigation system mission was re-transmitted. At 5:10 on September 23, 2019, China used the Long March 3B carrier rocket (and the upper level of Expedition No. 1) at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center to successfully launch the 47th and 48th Beidou in a "one arrow and double star" manner. Navigation satellite.

Both satellites belong to the medium-circle earth orbiting satellite and are the satellites of the Beidou No. 3 system currently under construction in China. The satellite will smoothly enter the scheduled orbit, and the on-orbit test will be carried out in the future, and the network will be provided at the right time.

At present, the global network of Beidou satellite navigation system has entered the countdown. Beidou will work with other global satellite navigation systems to provide the world with higher precision, more stable operation and more reliable positioning, navigation and timing services. Major public service space infrastructure, making "China contribution" for building a community of human destiny.

It is reported that the original "launch" of the launch mission was unsuitable for weather reasons. In order not to affect the entire network planning process, the Beidou Engineering Command quickly adjusted the construction period, switched the status, and decided to launch a window in advance. All the staff are full of enthusiasm and enthusiasm to work hard, work overtime, stay up all night, the launch site system, launch vehicle and satellite system accurate organization and command, strict quality control, scientific deployment force, distributed in the desert Gobi, island frontier, ocean space measurement and control site Stereo relay measurement and control, Beidou people use the great unity and great cooperation, decisively and confidently achieved the result of the task process "double perfection", and expressed the most special and sincere blessings to the motherland with the success of the success.

The Beidou navigation satellite and supporting launch vehicle (and the upper level of the expedition No. 1) launched by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Group Co., Ltd. are jointly developed by the China Academy of Space Technology and the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology. This is the 312th flight of the Long March series of launch vehicles.

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