
China's Large Military Aircraft Came Out One After Another

According to statistics, the number of early warning aircraft in the United States is currently the highest in the world. The country has 100 airborne early warning aircraft, of which E3 and E2 are the mainstays. Secondly, the Japanese and Russian military units are equipped with the largest number of early warning aircraft. American-made equipment, so basically used the same airborne early warning aircraft E2C with the US military, while Russia is equipped with the Soviet-era A50 early warning aircraft.

As a rising star, China needs to use its early warning aircraft to arm itself in the early stage of research and development. In the early days, Air Police-2000, Air Police-200 and Air Police-500 were the "Three Musketeers" in the air. The early warning aircraft mainly uses Air Police-500 as the mainstream.

The AWACS is perfectly matched in the air with the J-20 fighter. It is necessary to know the Pili-20 long-range guided missile carried by the Jian-20, while the Air Police-500 is equipped with a medium-range guided missile that can be used for the US military E2. 400km tracking and striking with the E3 early warning aircraft, and outside this distance is completed by the 歼-20 and other fighters.

According to the latest report, China has once again developed five Air Police-500 AWACS aircraft, and the previous seven aircrafts currently have 12 Air Police-500s. In addition, the Yun-9 series transport aircraft produced by Xifei Group and the high-tech No. 6 and Gaoxin 9 were in the previous period. At present, the total number of large military aircraft in China has already ranked second in the world, directly approaching the sum of the number of US military aircraft.

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