
China's First Polar Remote Sensing Small Satellite 'Jingshi No.1' First Appeared

According to Prof. Cheng Xiao, the chief scientist of the “Jingshi No.1” satellite, after the successful launch of the “Jingshi No.1” satellite, after nearly one month of on-orbit test, all normal operations were carried out, and the full coverage of the Earth’s north and south poles was observed every day. Batch of satellite observations. The satellite data connection system was officially launched on October 8 and is open to scientists around the world. After registration, you can query and download the data that has been recorded by the satellite for free. Users can also propose new observational requirements. After a comprehensive assessment by the satellite operations team, satellite imaging will be arranged and data will be provided.

"Jingshi No.1" is also known as "Ice Road Satellite". It is China's first polar remote sensing small satellite and the first experimental satellite of China's "Three-pole Remote Sensing Constellation Observation System". With the support of the Ministry of Science and Technology, it was jointly developed by Beijing Normal University and Shenzhen Dongfang Red Sea Satellite Co., Ltd. The total weight of the satellite is about 16 kilograms. It is equipped with two cameras and one AIS receiver. It is mainly used for polar climate and environmental monitoring, which makes up for the shortage of long-term autonomous polar observation data in China. It is of great significance for promoting the study of polar and global changes in China. .

At present, in the polar scientific research in China, "Jingshi No. 1" has already begun to show its talents. According to Cheng Xiao, on September 25th, the Emery Ice Shelf, the third largest ice shelf in Antarctica on the west side of Zhongshan Station in Antarctica, China, experienced a historic disintegration, resulting in a huge area of about 1,670 square kilometers. iceberg.

Experts judge that this large iceberg may destroy a number of ocean observation submarines deployed at the front end of the ice shelf in the process of drifting northward, and may affect the ships that sailed and inspected in the sea area, and should pay close attention.

In response to this sudden iceberg disintegration incident, the “Jingshi No.1” satellite operation and control team urgently launched the maneuver mode, and implemented the transit and shooting for the Emory Ice Shelf and Zhongshan Station area. The satellite successfully imaged for 8 consecutive days. Continuous monitoring of the area.

At the Polar Annual Meeting, Cheng Xiao showed the image data taken by the satellite. He said: "All the time, Chinese scientists have conducted polar related research, mainly relying on the US MODIS satellite data. The satellite has the highest spatial resolution of 250 meters. The resolution of China's ice road satellite reaches 75 meters, ice sheet and sea. Ice details and texture information are more abundant. China's polar research is expected to bid farewell to the high dependence of foreign satellite remote sensing data."

In order to improve the data processing efficiency of the satellite, the “Jingshi No.1” satellite has been jointly supported by Beijing Normal University Jiaxing Station, Wuhan University Wuhan Station, Iridium Science and Technology Ningxia Zhongwei Station and Xinjiang Jinghe Four Stations. Satellites transit through China and surrounding areas, and measurement and control and digital transmission can be implemented. The satellite data was processed immediately after being processed by Jilin Changguang Satellite Company.

It is reported that in the forthcoming China's 36th Antarctic scientific expedition, Liu Xuying, the deputy commander of the "Jingshi No.1" satellite, will follow the "Snow Dragon" to the Antarctic Zhongshan Station to carry out satellite ground authenticity test and "satellite-unmanned Machine-ground synchronization science experiments to improve satellite navigation capabilities and quantitative application levels in the polar ice zone.

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