
China Is Developing Anti-UAV Technology And Laser Weapons

According to military analysts, China is taking action to develop laser weapons and anti-UAV systems, trying to catch up with the United States in the field of drone technology, thereby improving its intelligence and attack capabilities.

This includes systems that protect domestic drones from laser weapons and spoofing techniques that send false information to drones. One of them is developing the "Silent Hunter" laser air defense system, a mobile anti-UAV laser weapon that is said to have a maximum range of 4 kilometers. It was held in Abu Dhabi in February this year. The defense exhibition was publicly displayed.

Poly Technology Co., Ltd., which developed the Chinese anti-UAV system, said that the system can penetrate five layers of 2 mm thick steel plates 800 meters away or penetrate 5 mm thick steel plates 1000 meters away.

But experts say that the US anti-UAV system is more advanced than China, and they have more long-range and more types of sensing technology provided by more companies.

According to a report released by the Bard College of UAV Research Center in New York in February, there are more than 60 anti-UAV systems or products in the United States that use radar, radio, and acoustic-electric reconnaissance tracking technology to intercept enemy drones. Stop it, hijack its communications, or destroy it with a laser or projectile.

Lockheed Martin's website shows that the US Army's latest purchase is the high-power microwave anti-UAV system, which is the system that the US Army said earlier this month that it plans to purchase from the company. The system is a set of laser weapons that can be used to shoot down drones. The attack is stronger than land-based or hand-held weapons.

At the same time, according to the website and media reports in mainland China, China has less than 20 such systems, relying mainly on traditional means such as radar to detect drones - and China has no deception to counter drones. Or protective net technology. Interference systems seem to be the most common way to combat drones in China.

But analysts say that China is beginning to catch up, many companies and institutions have joined the competition to develop anti-UAV technology, including China National Nuclear Corporation, Huanuo Star Electronics Technology and Beijing Institute of Technology.

However, Kelvin Weng, an aerospace analyst at British IHS Marquis, said the new system may not be publicly announced or displayed.

Weng said: "I believe that more state-owned or private enterprises and research institutions in China have entered the anti-UAV market."

Arthur Holland Mitchell of the Drone Research Center said that competing companies have the opportunity to achieve the next major breakthrough in the anti-UAV system.

He said: "Given that we are talking about an emerging technology, it is very likely that a small startup will propose an excellent solution that will completely dominate the market. Just like the Chinese startup Dali has become a consumer-grade UAV field. The market leader is like that."

Shenzhen-based DJI Company produces commercial drones for aerial photography, which is estimated to account for 70% of the global market. The company also designs and manufactures flight platforms and control systems.

US veteran and drone expert Brett Villikovic said that the industry is growing so fast that no weapon can effectively fight all types of drones in any situation - technology is No, this is a challenge that all localities face.

He said: "The main problem is that today's drone technology is developing so rapidly that these anti-UAV systems are almost outdated when tested."

Vlikovic also said that the best approach is to combine a multi-pronged strategy of multiple interception techniques. He said that acoustic detection—that is, identifying the drone through the unique noise of the drone, and triggering the system to eliminate the threat—is an area that requires more research.

How to intercept the drone:

Interfering with radio frequency

Interfering with the radio frequency connection between the drone and the operator by generating a large number of radio frequency outputs. Once the radio frequency connection is blocked, the drone can only land or return.

2. Interference with GNSS

Disturbing the navigation satellite signals of the drone, such as the US "Global Positioning System" (GPS) or the Russian "GLONASS" navigation satellite. Once the navigation direction is lost, the drone will hover, land or return home.

3. Electronic fraud

Hijack the communication link of the enemy drone to control the drone.

4. Laser

The laser burns the key parts of the drone, causing it to fall to the ground.

5. Protective net

Entangled with the target drone and / or its propeller.

6. Projectile

Use conventional or custom ammunition to destroy or destroy the drone that was committed.

7. Comprehensive interception elements

A variety of anti-UAV systems are used simultaneously, the most common being the simultaneous use of radio frequency interference systems and GNSS interference systems.

On February 19th, the biennial Abu Dhabi Defense Exhibition (IDEX) opened in Abu Dhabi, UAE. As the most influential defense exhibition in the Middle East, IDEX has become the most popular military industry in the Middle East. Good channel. According to the British "Jane's Defense Weekly" reported on February 20th, Chinese military industrial enterprises also exhibited a variety of new weapons at the exhibition.

One of the biggest highlights is the nickname “Silent Hunter” low-altitude laser air defense system (LASS) exhibited by China Poly Group. The exhibit is a vehicle-mounted mobile type. The "Jane's" weekly reporter learned from the booth staff that during the Hangzhou G20 Summit held in 2016, the "Silent Hunter" system was put into use.

According to the on-site product brochure, the "Silent Hunter" LASS laser has a standard output power of 30 kW (the maximum power is actually higher than 30 kW, but less than 100 kW) and the maximum range is 4,000 meters. The laser is mainly used to intercept a large number of low-altitude drones. Its laser power is said to burn through 5 layers of 2 mm thick steel plates at a distance of 800 meters, and can burn through 5 mm thick steel plates at a distance of 1000 meters.

According to field staff, the Poly Group is developing a more powerful version for intercepting targets such as mortars or rockets.

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