
Change5 Will Implement Multiple First Time

Like the world-famous Change4, the Change5 will also be the first of its kind, including: the first automatic sampling on the lunar surface, the first time the probe takes off from the moon, the first time with the moon to return to Earth at a speed close to the second universe, For the first time, the external celestial body automatically samples and returns. In addition, the 5th will also land on the front of the moon. Ouyang Ziyuan academician said: "There will be new phenomena and new discoveries there!"

At the same time, in the future, China will implement several major tasks in the field of deep space exploration, such as: conducting an asteroid survey, planning a Jupiter and planet exploration. These ambitious plans have made long-term attention to China's space development, and many times in the United States, Professor Joan Johnson-Frazer, who has called for Sino-US space cooperation, believes: "China's deep space exploration, although 'post-issue', is in line with the United States. It also has a unique advantage."

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