
British Media Focus On Beidou Navigation System Launch: China's Military Navigation By Leaps And Bounds

Beijing: China has surged ahead in the global positioning satellite (GPS) launch race, spending billions of pounds after technical problems delayed the launch of the us system, British media said.
According to the sun on January 3, in 2000, the us congress approved the third generation global positioning satellite system, which was supposed to launch its first satellite in 2014. However, according to media reports, technical problems with the payload delayed the launch by four years.
Meanwhile, Beijing launched its 7 billion pound navigation system on December 27, 2018, two years ahead of schedule, the report said. China now has more than 40 navigation satellites in orbit, compared with the United States' 31 global positioning system satellites.
Beijing's new satellite system, called the beidou satellite navigation system, was built two years ahead of schedule, so its military no longer needs to rely on U.S. space technology, the report said.

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