
Blue Arrow Aerospace Completed The Verification Of The Matching Between The Control System And The Engine

On July 14, the first domestic liquid oxygen methane launch vehicle, Zhuque-2, independently developed by Blue Arrow Aerospace Technology Co., Ltd. (Blue Arrow Aerospace), completed the verification of the matching of the control system and the second-class aircraft engine. Its second-level cruiser "Tianque" 10-ton liquid oxygen methane engine (TQ-11) completed the single hot test test of up to 3,000 seconds, reaching the highest record of the single test drive time of the pumped cryogenic liquid rocket engine in China. The technical specifications of the engine meet the overall requirements of the rocket.

According to the relevant person in charge of Blue Arrow Aerospace, the test drive was the first to assess the working state of the supercooled propellant filling and test drive, and the test drive was a complete success. This marks that the TQ-11 engine has become the first liquid oxygen methane engine in China to complete the evaluation of propellant supercooling test run. Lanjian Aerospace has also become the only domestic private aerospace enterprise that has mastered the propellant supercooling technology and has the engine supercooling test drive capability. Many engine indexes have reached the domestic advanced level.

It is reported that after the completion of the current round of test run, the cumulative test run time of the engine exceeded 10,000 seconds, the cumulative test run time of a single unit was 4500 seconds, which has exceeded 6 times the rated working time of the engine, and the longest test run time of a single time is 3000 seconds. Engine design, production, assembly quality and work reliability have been comprehensively verified.

In addition, the thermal test also carried out engine timing deviation assessment, stepless continuous adjustment assessment of the mixing ratio, oxygen and methane self-generated supercharging system assessment, model flight program verification, etc., and the technical specifications of the engine basically reached the rocket flight requirements. Next, Blue Arrow Aerospace will continue to carry out engine limit boundary condition test evaluation and engine life limit mapping, etc., so as to provide a more powerful and reliable "heart" for the Suzaku 2 rocket, and also lay a technical foundation for the repeated use of the rocket.

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