Gyro compass is a kind of inertial device which is completely independent of external information such as sound, light, electricity and magnetic to find true north and establish stable true north reference on moving objects so as to accurately measure the direction of moving objects. Gyrocompass is a kind of important navigation equipment widely used in navigation. It can not only provide accurate and reliable heading datum for ship navigation, but also provide azimuth datum for artillery, torpedoes, missiles and so on.
Gyrocompass error in navigation refers to the error caused by technical problems in gyrocompass, and is often affected by latitude degree and speed, but it has little change. The compass was measured by the manufacturer before it left the factory.
Compass, also known as electronic compass or digital compass, has been widely used as a navigation instrument or attitude sensor in modern technology conditions. Compared with the traditional pointer type and balance frame structure compass, electronic compass has low energy consumption, small size, light weight, high precision and miniaturization. Its output signal can be digitally displayed through processing. It can not only be used for pointing, but also be directly sent to the automatic rudder to control the control of the ship.
Gyrocompass difference refers to the error caused by technical problems in gyrocompass, and is often affected by latitude degree and speed, but it has little change. The compass was measured by the manufacturer before it left the factory.
The compass difference is usually referred to as the magnetic compass difference. It has two parts: the magnetic difference and the deviation.
Magnetic difference refers to the angle at which a magnetic compass deviates from the true north under the influence of geomagnetic field, while deviation refers to the Angle at which a magnetic compass on a steel ship deviates from the true north under the influence of the ship's magnetic field.
The magnetic compass difference is the sum of the magnetic difference and the deviation.
Of course, from a theoretical point of view, the compass error includes both gyro-compass error and magnetic compass error.
More Technical Questions
1.Principle of digital compass
2.The Difference Between Gyroscope, Compass, IMU, MEMS
3.Application of Gyroscope in Electronic Compass
4.Electronic Compass and Gyroscope
5.How does an Electronic Compass Work?
6.Do you Know the Common Problems When Using an Electronic Compass?
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