The inclinometer is known as the induction bias Angle, and only the data feedback is not feedback.
The gyroscope is measuring angular velocity, sensing action variables, and then controlling the steering gear to repair action commands.
Inclinometer using the Newton's second law as the principle of work, according to the law, we know that when the inclinometer static, due to the side of the object and the vertical direction is by other forces, only the effect of gravity, that is to say, effect on it is only the gravitational acceleration. So the Angle between the vertical axis of gravity and the sensitive axis of the acceleration sensor is what we call the Angle of inclination, which is the Angle we want.
The tilt sensor is divided into three different working principles and is divided into three types. The first type of tilt sensor is a solid pendulum, the second dip sensor is called a liquid pendulum, and the last inclination sensor is a gas pendulum. These three different types of tilt sensors have different working principles because of how they work.
The number of common installation axes of inclination sensors can be divided into two types: uniaxial inclination meter and biaxial inclination meter. Uniaxial inclination sensor can only measure the Angle change generated around one axis. The biaxial can measure the change of Angle relative to the two axes. Angle sensor can be installed horizontally and vertically, according to the installation of different, uniaxial and biaxial Angle sensor measurement Angle is different, biaxial can measure rollover and pitch Angle, and single axis in the choice of horizontal installation can only measure the rollover Angle or pitch Angle, if the single axis in the choice of vertical installation can only measure the rollover Angle, pitch Angle is not optional.
Any type of inclinometer will be very different from a gyroscope. Like the inclinometer, whatever it is, it's measuring the Angle of rest. Compared with the tilt sensor, the gyroscope measures the dip Angle of the motion, and the measurement results are not accurate. So when we measure the dip in our daily life, whether it's a dip inclinometer or a gyroscope, we can choose from that. The measurement is the Angle of static, which is to choose the dip inclinometer, which measures the inclination of the motion, which is the choice of gyroscope.
Type of gyroscope:
By use:
It can be divided into sensing gyroscope and indicating gyroscope.
Sensing gyroscopes are used as horizontal, vertical, pitch, heading and angular velocity sensors in automatic control systems of aircraft motion.
Indicating gyroscopes are mainly used to indicate flight status and are used as piloting and piloting instruments.
Today's gyroscopes are divided into:
Piezoelectric gyroscopes, MEMS, fiber optic gyroscopes (FOG), dynamically-tuned gyroscopes (DTG), laser gyroscopes (RLG), all electronic, can be combined with accelerometers, reluctance chips, GPS, inertial navigation control system.
More Technical Questions
1.The Difference between Tilt Sensor and Gyro Sensor
2.Three Signal Transmission Methods of MWD Inclinometer While Drilling
3.Do you Know the Working Principle of Inclinometer?
4.What Are The Characteristics Of Gyro Inclinometer
5.Application range of DTG logging
6.Principle and Characteristics of Angular Velocity Sensor
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