Knowledge about AccelerometerAccelerometer is an instrument that uses Newton's second law (Law of inertia) for measuring the acceleration of the carrier line. The…Full Article
What are Inclinometer Used for?Inclinometers are used for: l Determining latitude using Polaris (in the Northern Hemisphere) or the two stars of the constellation Crux (in the Southern Hemisphere). l Determining the…Full Article
The Advantages and Disadvantages of FOGThe fiber optic gyroscope is a sensitive element based on the optical fiber coil, and the light emitted by the laser…Full Article
The Definition of AccelerometerAn accelerometer is an instrument that measures the acceleration of a carrier line. An accelerometer consists of a detecting mass (also…Full Article
The Definition and Working Principle of INSWorking principle INS, full name Inertial Navigation System, works on the basis of Newton's classical mechanics. Newton's laws tell us that…Full Article
The Difference between MWD and LWDMeasurement While Drilling (MWD) is an advanced technology in directional drilling, which can measure some information near the bottom of the…Full Article
Application of AccelerameterAn accelerometer is an electronic sensor that measures the acceleration applied to an object to determine its position in space and…Full Article
The Working Principle of the Three Axis AccelerometerThe three-axis acceleration sensor is used to measure the spatial acceleration sensor in the acceleration sensor, that is, to measure the…Full Article
Application of quartz flexible accelerometerWith the development of low-cost inertial systems, quartz accelerometers appeared in the 1960s, and its structure and process are greatly simplified,…Full Article
Application Examples of Gyro TheodolitePrinciple Gyro theodolite is an instrument used to measure true north azimuth by combining gyroscope and theodolite through connecting mechanism. It…Full Article