Application of Fiber Optic Gyroscope in North Seeking SystemDefinition The fiber optic gyroscope is a sensitive element based on the optical fiber coil, and the light emitted by the…Read More
What are Tilt Switches and Tilt Sensors?Tilt Sensor A tilt sensor, or tilt switch, is a device used for measuring the tilt of an object in multiple…Read More
Differences between IMU, AHRS, VRU and INSIMU Inertial Measurement Unit is a device that measures the three-axis attitude angle (or angular rate) and acceleration of an object.…Read More
What Is The Difference Between Gyro Error and Compass Error in Navigation?Gyro compass is a kind of inertial device which is completely independent of external information such as sound, light, electricity and…Read More
A Brief Description of the Gyro TheodoliteThe gyro theodolite is an instrument for measuring the true north angle by combining the gyroscope and the theodolite through a connecting mechanism.…Read More
The Difference Between Inclinometer and Gyro SensorThe inclinometer is known as the induction bias Angle, and only the data feedback is not feedback. The gyroscope is measuring angular velocity, sensing…Read More
What are the Differences between IMU and INS?IMU and INS are two different concepts, although they are related in some ways. IMU, the acronym for Inertial Measurement Unit,…Read More
The Uses and limitations of Gyro-theodoliteGyrotheodolite is a theodolite with a gyroscope device used to measure the true north azimuth of the line. It is an…Read More
What Are The Pros And Cons Of The Three Accelerometers?Accelerometer is an inertial sensor, which can measure the linear acceleration due to gravity. That can be widely used in vibration…Read More
Principle of Fiber Optic Gyro North SeekerA north finder is a type of compass, which is used to find the true north value of a location. Gyro…Read More