
How to Use Electronic Compass in Heading Measurement of Underwater Robot ?

Electronic compassis a component that uses the positioning principle of compass to measure the ground square position, which can provide the heading and attitude of mobile devices in real time. A typical electronic compass consists of a reluctance sensor and an inclination sensor. It is less affected by tilt and vibration than a conventional compass, and can be corrected with additional components to improve accuracy. The high-precision electronic compass can compensate the GPS signal effectively, and will not get lost even if there is no GPS signal.

As we know, gyroscopes measure angular velocity by the principle of inertia, which is a dynamic quantity. Unlike the gyroscope, the electronic compass measures the earth's magnetic field through the magnetoelectric effect, and works out the azimuth (the direction of the watch or the angle between the earth's magnetic field lines), which is a static quantity.

Underwater robot 

Underwater vehicles, also known as unmanned remotely operated submersibles, are often used in harsh and dangerous underwater environments or situations where human beings cannot reach them. At present, the invention and application of underwater robot, water exploration, underwater photography, underwater breeding, underwater detection, underwater scientific research and other applications have brought possibilities.

Because it is unmanned underwater operation, the underwater robot must have a set of accurate navigation and positioning system besides automatic control system, underwater communication system and water environment detection system. Among them, the electronic compass plays an important role in determining the course of the underwater vehicle

Underwater robot course monitoring

In the process of operation, the AUV needs to control and adjust its movement through the automatic control system and communication system, so that it can reach the correct operation site. In order to ensure that the robot can reach the destination smoothly, the underwater position must be monitored and adjusted.

In the process, the robot carries sonar equipment that can be used to detect obstacles and approaching objects to avoid collisions during underwater navigation. GPS positioning system is used to measure the real-time coordinate position of underwater robot.

However, in the underwater navigation process, if the GPS cannot give the heading information when it is stationary, it is necessary to use the electronic compass to conduct orientation. At present, an electronic compass built into the vehicle can measure the robot's azimuth navigation and send its own direction to the control system so that it can be compared with the destination orientation and make corresponding navigation adjustments. Especially when working remotely, the heading measurement is more important.

When choosing electronic compass products for the AUV, the products with extremely precise heading measurement accuracy should be selected. In addition, the products should be able to meet various practical measurement requirements. At present, in addition to underwater robot, electronic compass also has a wide range of applications in many fields such as oil logging, antenna pointing, vehicle navigation, attitude system and so on.

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