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High Precision Stable Control MEMS IMU

1. Size:70*65*45(with shell)/43.2*43.2*35.5 (without shell and baseboard);
2. OEM modular design, strong applicability;
3. Gyro bias instability(1σ 25℃): <0.1deg/hr.

High Precision Stable Control MEMS IMU

High Precision Stable Control Mems Imu.jpg

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    ER-MIMU-03 High Precision Stable Control MEMS IMU

    Inertial Measurement Unit, referred to as IMU, is a device to measure the attitude angle (or angular velocity) and acceleration of the three axis of the object. Gyroscope and accelerometer are the core devices of inertial navigation system (INS). With the built-in accelerometer sensor and gyroscope, the IMU can measure the linear acceleration and rotation angular velocity from three directions and can obtain the attitude, velocity and displacement information of the carrier through the resolving.

    ER-MIMU-03 uses MEMS accelerometer and gyroscope with high quality and reliability, RS422 and external communication.Default baud rate 921600 (customized). With X, Y, Z three-axis precision gyro, X, Y, Z three-axis accelerometer with high resolution, can be output by RS422 X, Y, Z three axis of gyroscope and accelerometer's original hexadecimal complement data (including gyro hexadecimal complement the numerical temperature, angle, the accelerometer hexadecimal temperature, the acceleration hexadecimal complement number); It can also output float dimensionless values of the gyroscope and accelerometer processed by the underlying calculation.

    A simple operation is required to connect our products to your system and obtain IMU data without the 15-pin plug provided by our company. At the same time, the size and weight of our products can be significantly reduced by removing the base plate housing.

    Size:70*65*45(with shell)/43.2*43.2*35.5 (without shell and baseboard)
    Weight:220(with shell) /100(without shell and baseboard)
    OEM modular design, strong applicability
    -40~80°C temperature compensation
    Gyro bias instability: <0.1deg/hr
    Gyro bias stability (10s 1σ): <1deg/hr
    Gyro angular random walk: <0.05 °/√h
    Accelerometer bias repeatability: 100ug
    Accelerometer bias stability (10s) (1σ): <50ug
    Accelerometer class II non-linearity coefficient: <100ug/g²

    Stabilization of Cameras & Platforms
    Azimuth, attitude, position measuring and keeping in GNSS-assisted INS
    Pitch, roll measuring in AHRS for UAV
    Motion survey and keeping in MRU
    Attitude & azimuth keeping, positioning in IMU
    Guidance, navigation, control in tactical MEMS system
    Stabilizing in satellite antenna, target tracking system
    Robotic Control & Orientation in autonomous machines, unmanned vehicles


    Item Parameter Unit
    Gyro performance A B C  
    Range 400 400 400 deg/s
    Scale Factor at 25°C 16000 20000 20000 LSB/deg/s
    Scale Factor Repeatability (1σ) <50 <100 <50 ppm
    Scale Factor VS Temperature (1σ) 300 500 500 ppm
    Scale Factor Non-Linearity (1σ) <300 <300 <300 ppm
    Bias Instability(1σ 25℃) <0.3 <0.3 <0.1 deg/hr
    Bias stability (10s 1σ) <3 <2 <1 deg/hr
    Angular Random Walk <0.125 <0.125 <0.05 °/ √h
    Bias Repeatability(1σ 25℃) <3 <2 <1 deg/hr
    Accelerometer performance
    Range 30 g
    Bias Stability (10s 1σ) <50 ug
    Bias Repeatability 100 ug
    Bias Temp Coefficient <20 ug/℃
    Bias Temp Hysteresis <1.5 mg
    Scale Factor Non-linearity <500 ppm
    Scale Factor Month Repeatability <30 ppm
    Scale Factor Temp Coefficient 10 ppm/℃
    Class II Non-linearity Coefficient <100 ug/g2
    Scale Factor 250000 Lsb/g
    Environment and power
    Operate temperature -40~+80
    Storage temperature -55~+105
    Power supply 6~12V V
    Power (power supply 6V) 2 W
    Communication interface RS-422
    Physical characteristics
    Size 70×65×45(with shell)

    43.2×43.2×35.5 (without shell and baseboard)

    Weight 220(withshell)

    100(without shell and baseboard)



    Application Techniques

    1.Do you know the core components that give precise control to automated equipment

    2.High-performance IMU: A New Benchmark for Precise Measurement and Control

    3.Industrial Versatile Tool: High Cost-Performance IMU Meets Diverse Needs

    4.Flight safety secrets: The core role of high-precision IMUs in aviation

    5.Revolutionizing drone navigation: How to redefine high performance and low cost

    6.From flight control to fault diagnosis, how does IMU dominate drones?

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