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High Performance Navigation MEMS IMU

1. Size: 70*65*45(with shell)/43.2*43.2*35.5 (without shell and baseboard);
2. OEM, modular design, strong applicability;
3. Gyro bias instability(1σ 25℃): 0.03deg/hr.

High Performance Navigation MEMS IMU

High Performance Navigation Mems Imu.jpg

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    ER-MIMU-02 High Performance Navigation MEMS IMU

    Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) is a device that measures an object's three-axis attitude angle (or angular velocity) and acceleration. Gyroscopes and accelerometers are the core devices of an Inertial Navigation System (INS). Through the built-in accelerometers and gyroscopes, the IMU can measure the three-axis linear acceleration and three-axis rotational angular velocity, and obtain the attitude, velocity, and displacement information of the carrier through analysis.

    ER-MIMU-02 uses MEMS accelerometer and gyroscope with high quality and reliability, RS422 and external communication.Default baud rate 921600 (customized). With X, Y, Z three-axis precision gyro, X, Y, Z three-axis accelerometer with high resolution, can be output by RS422 X, Y, Z three axis of gyroscope and accelerometer's original hexadecimal complement data (including gyro hexadecimal complement the numerical temperature, angle, the accelerometer hexadecimal temperature, the acceleration hexadecimal complement number); It can also output float dimensionless values of the gyroscope and accelerometer processed by the underlying calculation.

    A simple operation is required to connect our products to your system and obtain IMU data without the 15-pin plug provided by our company. At the same time, the size and weight of our products can be significantly reduced by removing the base plate housing.

    Size:70*65*45(with shell)/43.2*43.2*35.5 (without shell and baseboard)
    Weight:220(with shell) /100(without shell and baseboard)
    OEM, modular design, strong applicability
    -40~80°C temperature compensation
    Gyro bias instability: 0.03deg/hr
    Gyro bias stability (10s 1σ): <0.15deg/hr
    Gyro angular random walk: <0.01 °/√h
    Accelerometer bias repeatability: 100ug
    Accelerometer class II non-linearity coefficient: <100ug/g²
    High-performance navigation

    Integrated Navigation Systems & Inertial Guidance System
    Flight Control System
    Attitude Heading Reference Systems (AHRS)
    Stabilization of Antennas, Cameras & Platforms
    Aerial and Marine Geo-mapping / Surveying


    Item Parameter Unit
    Gyro performance A B  
    Range 300 400 deg/s
    Scale Factor at 25°C 28000 20000 LSB/deg/s
    Scale Factor Repeatability (1σ) <50 <20 ppm
    Scale Factor VS Temperature (1σ) 300 100 ppm
    Scale Factor Non-Linearity (1σ) <300 <100 ppm
    Bias Instability(1σ 25℃) 0.03 0.03 deg/hr
    Bias stability (10s 1σ) <0.15 <0.5 deg/hr
    Angular Random Walk <0.01 <0.025 °/ √h
    Bias Repeatability(1σ 25℃) <0.3 <0.15 deg/hr
    Accelerometer performance
    Range 30 g
    Bias Stability (10s 1σ) <50 ug
    Bias Repeatability 100 ug
    Bias Temp Coefficient <20 ug/℃
    Bias Temp Hysteresis <1.5 mg
    Scale Factor Non-linearity <500 ppm
    Scale Factor Month Repeatability <30 ppm
    Scale Factor Temp Coefficient 10 ppm/℃
    Class II Non-linearity Coefficient <100 ug/g2
    Scale Factor 250000 Lsb/g
    Environment and power
    Operate temperature -40~+80
    Storage temperature -55~+105
    Power supply 6~12V DC V
    Power (power supply 6V) 2 W
    Communication interface RS-422
    Physical characteristics
    Size 70×65×45(with shell) 43.2×43.2×35.5 (without shell and baseboard) mm
    Weight ≤220(withshell) ≤100(without shell and baseboard) g


    Application Techniques

    1.Do you know the core components that give precise control to automated equipment

    2.High-performance IMU: A New Benchmark for Precise Measurement and Control

    3.Industrial Versatile Tool: High Cost-Performance IMU Meets Diverse Needs

    4.Flight safety secrets: The core role of high-precision IMUs in aviation

    5.Revolutionizing drone navigation: How to redefine high performance and low cost

    6.From flight control to fault diagnosis, how does IMU dominate drones?

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