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Oil and Gas Quartz Pressure Sensor

Oil and Gas Quartz Pressure Sensor

ER-QPS-19 Features:
1. High temperature and high pressure type quartz pressure sensor;
2. High reliability and high precision characteristics.

Oil and Gas Quartz Pressure Sensor

Oil and Gas Quartz Pressure Sensor

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    ER-QPS-19 Oil and Gas Quartz Pressure Sensor


    The current diameter of the sensors is mainly Φ19, the length is different due to the pressure sensor's different models. There are two main structures, one is the sensor's line outer barrel could not withstand the pressure, it needs to be installed in the inside of the downhole instrument, the advantage is facilitating outside bus line of the sensor over the line.

    Ericco’s high temperature and high pressure quartz pressure sensors for oil and gas have the characteristics of high reliability and high precision. For decades, the international petroleum industry has always used this quartz crystal pressure gauge as the industry pressure measurement standard. The pressure sensitive element is a quartz resonator, and the output frequency changes with increasing pressure.

    The sensitive element maintains the inherent high repeatability and high stability of single crystal quartz. At the same time, there is a temperature probe with a quartz resonator that can directly perform digital temperature compensation on the pressure value. The sensors provide independent pressure frequency signals and temperature frequency signals, and can calculate the temperature-compensated pressure value within the pressure and temperature measurement range. There is no DC signal processing in the sensor circuit, and no DC standard power supply is needed, and the frequency signal is directly output. It can be easily used in memory recording tools and cable recording tools, and the signal output can be adapted to the requirements of any measurement circuit.


    Oil, gas and geothermal well testing
    Downhole storage logging tool
    Wireline logging and formation tester
    Permanent downhole monitoring system
    Permanent wellhead monitoring system
    Pressure testing while drilling


    Item Recommended application O.D.
    ER-QPS-19 Can be easily used for make up the Φ 25.4, Φ32 multi-parameter production logging tool, well test storage pressure gauge, repeat formation tester, and measurement while drilling. Φ19

    The product can be engaged with Logging, Formation Tester, Permanent and Drilling

    Recommended Operating Conditions

    Supply Voltage (Vcc) 3.2-5V
    Operating Current (Icc) 2MA (No Load condition with REF)
    Output Signals DC Coupled HC CMOS
    Temperature Range 150°C/175°C
    Pressure Range 70Mpa/100Mpa/140Mpa/160Mpa
    Weight 195g

    Dimension of Oil and Gas Quartz Pressure Sensor

    Application Techniques

    1.Three Signal Transmission Methods of MWD Inclinometer While Drilling

    2.Development of MWD for Directional Drilling

    3.What Is The Difference Between MWD And LWD?

    4.Possible Problems And Solutions For Shallow Testing Of MWD Instruments

    5.MWD Principle Introduction – Cable Transmission Method

    6.What Is The Principle Of MWD?

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