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Wide Range Quartz Accelerometer (±70g)

Anti-Vibration and High-Temp Accelerometer for Oil & Gas

ER-QA-02B (100μg) Features:
1. Anti-vibration Performance;
2. High Temperature;
3. Specially applied for Oil & Gas Fields.

Anti-Vibration and High-Temp Accelerometer for Oil & Gas

Wide Range Quartz Accelerometer (±70g)

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    ER-QA-02B Anti-Vibration and High-Temp Accelerometer for Oil & Gas

    ER-QA-02B Anti-Vibration & High-Temp Accelerometer for Oil & Gas Field is specially applied for continuous north seeking systems, also can be widely used in other harsh working conditions.

    High accuracy


    No. Parameters ER-QA-02B02 ER-QA-02B01 Unit
    1 Bias ≤10 ≤10 mg
    2 Scale Factor 2.5~3.5 2.5~3.5 mA/g
    3 Bias Temp Coefficient ≤60 ≤80 ug/℃
    4 Scale Factor Temp Coefficient (20~120℃) ≤80 ≤100 ppm/℃
    5 Scale Factor Temp Coefficient (120~150℃) ≤500 ≤500 ppm/℃
    6 Bias Repeatability ≤100 (3~7 days) ≤100 (one day) μg
    7 Scale Factor Repeatability ≤100 (3~7 days) ≤100 (one day) ppm
    8 Acceleration Range ±10 ±10 g
    9 Vibration 20g (20~2000Hz) 20g (20~2000Hz) g, Hz
    10 Shock 1000g, 0.5ms, 1/2sin 1000g, 0.5ms,1/2sin g, ms
    11 Operating Temp -45~+150 -45~+150
    12 Weight ≤55 ≤55 g
    13 Operating Voltage ±7~± 12 ±7~± 12 V

    Install dimension:

    Installation dimensions of anti-vibration quartz accelerometer

    Application Techniques

    1.Methods to Maintain the Long-Term Performance of Quartz Flexure Accelerometers

    2.How to Improve the Impact Resistance of Quartz Accelerometer

    3.Study on the Stability of Quartz Accelerometer Head

    4.What is the Quartz Accelerometer Digital Closed Loop Servo Circuit?

    5.MEMS Accelerometer Packaging Technology

    6.Calibration Method of Accelerometer

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