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Wide Range Quartz Accelerometer (±70g)

Wide Range Quartz Accelerometer (±70g)

1. Bias repeatability: 10-30μg;
2. Scale factor repeatability: 15-50ppm;
3. Class II non-linearity repeatability: 10-30μg/g².

Wide Range Quartz Accelerometer (±70g)

Wide Range Quartz Accelerometer (±70g)

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    ER-QA-03B Wide-Range Quartz Accelerometer 

    ER-QA-03B Wide-Range Quartz Accelerometer for aerospace with wide-range, high accuracy, high reliability, not only can be used in aviation and aerospace inertial test but also in both static and dynamic acceleration measurement. In addition, the accelerometer uses a temperature sensor, which the operator can use to compensate bias and scale factor parameters to reduce the influence of temperature factors.

    As one of the reference values for selecting quartz accelerometers, ER-QA-03B not only meets the demand for wide range, but also guarantees  bias repeatability and scale factor repeatability compared with other accelerometers with similar range.

    Flight control
    Aircraft navigation systems
    Attitude heading reference systems (AHRS)
    Ground vibration testing (GVT)-wind tunnel testing


    No. Parameters ER-QA-03B1 ER-QA-03B2 ER-QA-03B3
    1 Range ±70g ±70g ±70g
    2 Threshold/Resolution 5μg 5μg 5μg
    3 Bias ≤±3 mg ≤±3 mg ≤±5 mg
    4 Scale factor 0.8~1.5 mA/g 0.8~1.5 mA/g 0.8~1.5 mA/g
    5 Class II non-linearity ≤±10μg /g² ≤±15μg /g² ≤±20μg /g²
    6 Bias repeatability ≤10 μg ≤20 μg ≤30 μg
    7 Scale factor repeatability ≤15ppm ≤30 ppm ≤50 ppm
    8 Class II non-linearity repeatability ≤±10 μg/g² ≤±20 μg/g² ≤±30 μg/g²
    9 Bias temp coefficient ≤±10 μg/℃ ≤±30 μg/℃ ≤±50 μg/℃
    10 Scale factor temp coefficient ≤±10 ppm/℃ ≤±30 ppm/℃ ≤±50 ppm/℃
    11 Noise ≤5mv ≤5mv ≤5mv
    12 Natural frequency 400~800 Hz 400~800 Hz 400~800 Hz
    13 Bandwidth 800~2500 Hz 800~2500 Hz 800~2500 Hz
    14 Vibration 6g (20-2000Hz) 6g (20-2000Hz) 6g (20-2000Hz)
    15 Shock 100g, 5ms, 1/2sin 100g, 5ms, 1/2sin 100g, 5ms, 1/2sin
    16 Operating temperature -40~+80℃ -40~+80℃ -40~+80℃
    17 Storage temperature -60~+120℃ -60~+120℃ 60~+120℃
    18 Power ±12~±15V ±12~±15V ±12~±15V
    19 Consume current ≤±20mA ≤±20mA ≤±20mA
    20 Size Ф25.4X30mm Ф25.4X30mm Ф25.4X30mm
    21 Weight ≤80g ≤80g ≤80g


    Wide Range Quartz Accelerometer Dimension

    Application Techniques

    1.Methods to Maintain the Long-Term Performance of Quartz Flexure Accelerometers

    2.How to Improve the Impact Resistance of Quartz Accelerometer

    3.Study on the Stability of Quartz Accelerometer Head

    4.What is the Quartz Accelerometer Digital Closed Loop Servo Circuit?

    5.MEMS Accelerometer Packaging Technology

    6.Calibration Method of Accelerometer

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