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High Performance Quartz Accelerometer

High Performance Quartz Accelerometer

1. Bias repeatability: 10-50μg;
2. Scale factor repeatability: 15-50ppm;
3. Class II non-linearity repeatability: 10-30μg/g².

High Performance Quartz Accelerometer

High Performance Quartz Accelerometer

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    ER-QA-03A High Performance Quartz Accelerometer

    ER-QA-03A High Performance Quartz Accelerometer with high reliability is mainly used in inertial measurement and test systems in the aerospace and aviation fields. It can carry out static test and dynamic test, which is a standard vibration sensor.

    The high performance quartz flexible accelerometer uses high-quality quartz crystals to achieve high precision acceleration measurement with extremely high reliability and stability. Its special flexible construction enables it to adapt to high acceleration applications under various environmental conditions, such as high temperature, high pressure and high vibration environments.

    In addition to being widely used in aerospace and military fields, high performance quartz flexible accelerometers are also widely used in automotive, medical and scientific research fields. In the field of scientific research, they can be used to study earthquakes, crustal movements, cosmology, and microgravity environments.


    No. Parameters ER-QA-03A1 ER-QA-03A2 ER-QA-03A3 Unit
    1 Range ±50 ±50 ±50 g
    2 Threshold/Resolution 5 5 5 μg
    3 Bias ≤ (±3) ≤ (±5) ≤ (±7) mg
    4 Scale factor 1.3±0.2 1.3±0.2 1.3±0.2 mA/g
    5 Class II non-linearity ≤ (±20) ≤ (±30) ≤ (±30) μg /g²
    6 Bias repeatability ≤10 ≤30 ≤50 μg
    7 Scale factor repeatability ≤15 ≤30 ≤50 ppm
    8 Class II non-linearity repeatability ≤ (±10) ≤ (±20) ≤ (±30) μg /g²
    9 Bias temp coefficient ≤ (±10) ≤ (±30) ≤ (±50) μg/℃
    10 Scale factor temp coefficient ≤ (±20) ≤ (±30) ≤ (±50) ppm /℃
    11 Noise ≤5 ≤8.4 ≤8.4 mv
    12 Natural frequency 400~800 400~800 400~800 Hz
    13 Bandwidth 800~2500 800~2500 800~2500 Hz
    14 Vibration 6g (20-2000Hz)
    15 Shock 100g, 5ms, 1/2sin
    16 Operating temperature -40~+80 -40~+80 -40~+80
    17 Temperature range -60~+120 -60~+120 -60~+120
    18 Power voltage ±12~±15 ±12~±15 ±12~±15 V
    19 Current ≤(±20) ≤(±20) ≤(±20) mA
    20 Temp. sensor Yes and no two type
    21 Size Ф25.4X30 Ф25.4X30 Ф25.4X30 mm
    22 Weight ≤80 ≤80 ≤80 g

    Install dimension

    Install Dimension of High Performance Quartz Accelerometer

    Application Techniques

    1.Methods to Maintain the Long-Term Performance of Quartz Flexure Accelerometers

    2.How to Improve the Impact Resistance of Quartz Accelerometer

    3.Study on the Stability of Quartz Accelerometer Head

    4.What is the Quartz Accelerometer Digital Closed Loop Servo Circuit?

    5.MEMS Accelerometer Packaging Technology

    6.Calibration Method of Accelerometer

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