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High Accuracy Mems Accelerometer (2)

High Accuracy MEMS Accelerometer

ER-MA-5 (Alternative of MS1000):
1. Bias instability (Allan Curve) 5 μg;
2. Bias stability (1s Standard Deviation)(1σ)<20μg;
3. Bias month repeatability 100μg.

High Accuracy MEMS Accelerometer

High Accuracy Mems Accelerometer (2)

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    ER-MA-5 High Accuracy MEMS Accelerometer (Alternative of MS1000)

    Accelerometer is an inertial sensor, which can measure the linear acceleration due to gravity. MEMS accelerometer has the characteristics of small volume, light weight and low energy consumption that can be widely used in vibration detection, attitude control, security alarm, consumer applications, motion recognition and status recording. Accelerometers are combined with gyroscopes and magnetometers to create IMU (inertial measurement units).


    Inertial measurement: inertial guidance, overload measurement, combined navigation
    Tilt measurement: antenna attitude, platform measurement, dip test
    Vibration measurement: mechanical equipment, bridge dam, safety test


    Axis X X X X X X Unit
    Range 2 10 30 50 100 200 g
    Bandwidth 100 100 100 100 100 100 Hz
    Bias Stability (Allan) <5 10 10 <10 <20 <30 μg
    Bias Stability (10s ) (1σ) <20 <50 <50 <50 <100 <150 μg
    Bias Month repeatability 100 100 100 500 1000 1000 μg
    Bias Temp Coefficient <10 <10 <20 <50 <100 <200 μg/℃
    Bias Temp  Hysteresis <0.5 <1 <1.5 <2 <3 <5 mg
    Factor Scale non-linearity <500 <500 <500 <1000 <1000 <2000 ppm
    Factor Scale Month Repeatability <300 <100 <30 <300 <300 <300 ppm
    Factor Scale Temp Coefficient 10 10 10 10 10 10 ppm/℃
    Class II Non-linearity


    <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 <100 μg/g²
    Resolution 5 5 10 10 25 50 μg
    Start Time <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 <1 s
    Sampling Rate 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 Hz
    Shock(charged) 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 g
    Shock(uncharged) 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 10000 g
    Operation Temp -45—+85
    Voltage 5±0.25 5±0.25 5±0.25 5±0.25 5±0.25 5±0.25 V
    Current <15 <15 <15 <15 <15 <15 mA

    Application Techniques

    1.MEMS Accelerometer Installation Error Correction Method

    2.MEMS Accelerometer Packaging Technology

    3.Analysis of I/F Conversion Circuit of Quartz Accelerometer

    4.How to Improve the Impact Resistance of Quartz Accelerometer

    5.Application of mems accelerometer in petroleum logging

    6.The Role of MEMS Accelerometers in Inertial Navigation

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